Monday, February 22, 2010

As professionals in education, we must continuously be updating our style and innovativeness when teaching. We must constantly look for new ways to get and keep the interest of our charges. One way of ensuring we keep their attention is by using different forms of delivery when teaching. A software program that will prove helpful in this regard is 'Audacity'. This audio software has a number of features that will make an interesting podcast.

There is a recording feature, as well as an option to import music from other sources. The audio can be mixed in with varying pieces, using a variety of styles. It allows editing, fading in and out, the filtering of background noise and the changing of speed, pitch and tempo. Discovering these features and how to use them is certainly a fun journey.

There is the advantage of adding interest to any lesson. In my recording, I read an exerpt from "How Mrs Feathery Solved Her Problems", a folktale written by Michael Anthony. I uploaded some music and used the recording feature to record different voices to represent the characters. I would not be able to use these effects if I was just simply reading the same story in the classroom . It also gives the option of playing back certain sections of the recording during an oral comprehension exercise after students have listened to the story.
Click on the link labelled "Audacity" on the right of this blog page, to hear about Mrs Feathery and Mr Hawk.

I found out about this software in my Educational Technology class, and decided to give it a try. If I can successfully use this, trust me, you can!


I found this site to be one of the more comprehensive information sites.


  1. I agree that AUDACITY is really a helpful tool that can enhance lesson delivery.

  2. just to reiterate what my dear colleague mentioned earlier it is a useful piece of soft ware that can be used in a classroom setting to tell stories and deliver lessons your info is very comperhensive....very good

  3. This tool can really add to the delivery of a leson in the classroom.
